Thursday, February 5, 2009


In my english class we were discussing the different groups that each person belongs to. So, I wrote a poem on one of the groups that I belong to: Roman Catholic. This shows the rules and guidelines of being a Catholic. Although, there are many rules to a religion, other groups such as a musical style, fashion sense, or even the political party a person belongs to has many rules (as observed in my english class). This poetic style is inspired by a poem written by Jamaica Kincaid called "Girl". It's a brand new style of poetry for me and I had a great time experimenting with it. It's not my favorite, but definitely unique. 


You shall not kill; you shall not make yourself an idol; you shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God; you must remember the Sabbath; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; you shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor; you shall have no other gods before me; are you really there?; I am the Lord your God; pray before every meal; you must confess your sins; not to that priest, he knows my name; join the youth group; do this service; be responsible; you mustn’t wear inappropriate clothes; short-sleeves are not inappropriate; a man can not marry a man; a woman can not marry a woman; every life, no matter how small, is a life; you are created in His image, do not destroy it; everything has a purpose; God has a grand plan for all; judgment day will come again; believe in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church; look for the resurrection of the dead; acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins; this is how you pray the rosary; you must respect Mother Mary; not worship her; always have faith in Him; even if He’s not always there for you?; have hope in him; pay your respect to religious figures; but how religious are they really?; He will deliver us from evil; attend the Religious Education program; lead the service; when you lead, say this and this; don’t curse; don’t run around in the house of God; give thanks; lift His name; shout to the lord so that all can hear; draw Him close to you; receive his grace; magnify the Lord; accept God’s plan for you; accept the appearance He has given you; accept the person He has made you; who am I?; praise and adore Him; do your best; you can not be a woman to be a clergy; heaven is your ultimate destination; save your souls from hell; if there really is a hell; deny books such as Da Vinci Code or other anti-religious books; believe in transubstantiation; pray with Saints; pray that Mother Mary and Saints can intercede on your behalf; accept the sacraments; receive confirmation; try not to lose salvation; repent for your sins; God is merciful; attend special trips of the youth group; respect your counselors; you must sleep here; you must shower at this hour; isolate yourself from the materialistic world; love your family; I do love my family, I may not like them at times; marriage is a lifelong union; you can not divorce your spouse; kindness can only come through the fruits of the Holy Spirit; so a kind person who is not confirmed is not kind?; the Apocalypse will not literally happen; the Apocalypse has already occurred; the Apocalypse is coming; which is it?; neglect the State, Church is above all; Catholics are universal; we are united around the world under the same scripture; you must always follows Christ’s teachings; Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Messiah; you are a Christian; a Roman Catholic; these are the Church’s beliefs, so these are your beliefs; Amen?

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