Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gender Research

I had come across a blog post explaining a gender study titled, "When Texting, Eligible Woman Express Themselves Better". The blog post was very interesting to me at first, until I had come across another blog post from 2006 titled "Women Talk Three Times As Much As Men, Says Study" that made me question certain aspects of studies - then science in general as well. And this is my opinion on the study in detail.

False Reactions
The popularity of texting on cell phones has drastically exceeded the popularity of phone conversations; there are many more texters than callers. Even at my high school, Pascack Hills, the constant text messaging forced authorities to become overly strict with the rule of ‘no cell phones in school’. 
However, it hadn’t occurred to me - until the article “When Texting, Eligible Women Express Themselves Better” - how the increase of texting has an affect on the differences of gender. According to the article, historically, women were known to be more proper and polite than men in speech (“WTEWETB” par. 3). But when texting, it becomes the opposite. The researchers expected men to send more texts that were generally longer, using the standard “texting language” (“WTEWETB” par. 6). However, men texted less in quantity and shorter messages that used proper language, falling short of the hip-hop texting quality. Women, on the other hand, texted in message slang, using abbreviations such as ‘lol’ or ‘omg’, also adding symbols, smilies, and other tools that emphasizes their emotions in their electronic messages (“WTEWETB” par.7). The article also states that women texted longer messages, maxing out the 160-character limit much more than men. 

  This new research shows that historical observations are changing as women gain more independence and respect from society. Published to show how the results exemplify the shift, the results are “shocking” to the researchers. However, the researchers seem to have neglected other studies that state that women have more to say than men. A study on this observation stated that in fact “women talk almost three times as much as men, with the average woman chalking up 20,000 words in a day – 13,000 more than the average man” (Macrae par. 2). This study – published in the year 2006 – does not seem to influence the research about the differences in texting according to gender. If taken into account the study of women being more talkative (by nature), the result of the study in the article “When Texting Eligible Women Express Themselves Better” is very predictable. Although the researchers’ hypotheses that women should have texted more formally may be true, the result of woman maxing the character limit more than men is not a shocking result to the study (“WTEWETB” par. 7). It seems as if the research seems very futile and adding little to the study of gender differences in various aspects of life. It’s like telling a blue pen that when written with it, it will be blue. Yes – it will be. Bottom line is: the results are agreeable, but the reaction to the results is not. Why professional scientists have neglected previous studies, which reason their results, is beyond me. If they did take into account studies such as the one published by Macrae, the research definitely would’ve received a different reaction from the public and the researchers themselves. 

If this study is not the only study to observe data and social behaviors that neglect other studies, which would cancel out their studies, science is not advancing in its knowledge of gender differences. The information fed to the public is false to a certain extent. People would be rowdy over evident results that, in reality, do not further studies at all. This blog post about eligible women expressing themselves better when texting is a prime example of a futile research; what’s the point then? Why study these if the researchers won’t carefully fulfill their studies covering every inch of research (even if it requires much more in-depth studies)? Instead of shedding light on science, When Texting, Eligible Women Express Themselves Better” displays the setbacks of science today.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


In my english class we were discussing the different groups that each person belongs to. So, I wrote a poem on one of the groups that I belong to: Roman Catholic. This shows the rules and guidelines of being a Catholic. Although, there are many rules to a religion, other groups such as a musical style, fashion sense, or even the political party a person belongs to has many rules (as observed in my english class). This poetic style is inspired by a poem written by Jamaica Kincaid called "Girl". It's a brand new style of poetry for me and I had a great time experimenting with it. It's not my favorite, but definitely unique. 


You shall not kill; you shall not make yourself an idol; you shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God; you must remember the Sabbath; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; you shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor; you shall have no other gods before me; are you really there?; I am the Lord your God; pray before every meal; you must confess your sins; not to that priest, he knows my name; join the youth group; do this service; be responsible; you mustn’t wear inappropriate clothes; short-sleeves are not inappropriate; a man can not marry a man; a woman can not marry a woman; every life, no matter how small, is a life; you are created in His image, do not destroy it; everything has a purpose; God has a grand plan for all; judgment day will come again; believe in the one holy catholic and apostolic Church; look for the resurrection of the dead; acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins; this is how you pray the rosary; you must respect Mother Mary; not worship her; always have faith in Him; even if He’s not always there for you?; have hope in him; pay your respect to religious figures; but how religious are they really?; He will deliver us from evil; attend the Religious Education program; lead the service; when you lead, say this and this; don’t curse; don’t run around in the house of God; give thanks; lift His name; shout to the lord so that all can hear; draw Him close to you; receive his grace; magnify the Lord; accept God’s plan for you; accept the appearance He has given you; accept the person He has made you; who am I?; praise and adore Him; do your best; you can not be a woman to be a clergy; heaven is your ultimate destination; save your souls from hell; if there really is a hell; deny books such as Da Vinci Code or other anti-religious books; believe in transubstantiation; pray with Saints; pray that Mother Mary and Saints can intercede on your behalf; accept the sacraments; receive confirmation; try not to lose salvation; repent for your sins; God is merciful; attend special trips of the youth group; respect your counselors; you must sleep here; you must shower at this hour; isolate yourself from the materialistic world; love your family; I do love my family, I may not like them at times; marriage is a lifelong union; you can not divorce your spouse; kindness can only come through the fruits of the Holy Spirit; so a kind person who is not confirmed is not kind?; the Apocalypse will not literally happen; the Apocalypse has already occurred; the Apocalypse is coming; which is it?; neglect the State, Church is above all; Catholics are universal; we are united around the world under the same scripture; you must always follows Christ’s teachings; Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Messiah; you are a Christian; a Roman Catholic; these are the Church’s beliefs, so these are your beliefs; Amen?

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